Today is Trivia Day. What better way to celebrate this by telling you all random trivia facts about myself, but I must warn you, one of the facts that I will tell you, will in fact be a lie, try to guess which one.
1. I was born in March 23, 1990, my mother on March 24 and my Oma (grandma) on March 27.
2. I am a lifetime Girl Scout and proud to be part of that great organization and everything it stands for.
3. I hated reading until the 9th grade when our English class had to do a book report on any book in the library. I wanted some horror book so picked up Stephen King's Eye of the Dragon (not his scariest book by far, but still good) and haven't been able to put him down since.
4. I have written three books myself, the first two pretty much sucking (haven't let anyone read them and I dare not to go back to them) and the third one I am currently editing and already let someone read my first chapter who wouldn't tell me if it was good or not yet but will tell me after reading the second and third chapters.
5. I grew up learning English and my Oma and Opa (grandpa) taught me some German which is one of my minors in college.
6. I study Criminal Justice, German and Psychology at UW-Milwaukee and I am an officer of the Criminal Justice Student Association club on campus.
7. I collect shot glasses from places that I have been, mostly consisting of places in Germany as I came to the idea of collecting shot glasses my second time their.
8. I have been doing archery for nearly 10 years and enjoy teaching it at Girl Scout Camp which I still volunteer for every summer.
9. I rarely dream, but when I do, I remember the dream vividly and sometimes they are in German (which I find really cool).
10. Several days ago on the first of January, my mother and I did the Polar Bear Plunge where you go into Lake Michigan in a swim suit for the hell of it. The temperature was roughly 32 degrees out and I went up to my shoulders while my mother decided to go all the way under.
11. Last summer my mother and I completed a half marathon afterwards I challenged her to a full marathon in 2012, the Dirty Girl Mud Run and the Tough Mudder.
12. My favorite color is blue and I despise pink (mainly for the sole reason that pink is my sister's favorite color).
13. 13 is my favorite number and I love when 13 falls on a Friday, they are lucky days for me.
14. I'm deathly scared to let someone read my book that I am currently editing and letting one friend read the first chapter was one of the scariest things I have ever done.
15. I already have a bucket list, even though I am 21 and have already been able to cross several things off.
16. I love the smell of wood, stain, varnish, fires, freshly cut grass, fresh bread and apple pie.
17. I love math and know pi to the 20th decimal.
18. I would rather spend a night in and reading or playing games or watching movies than going out to a bar or club.
19. I never knew my Grandpa as he died from brain cancer in 1980 and I was born in 1990.
20. I have been to several concerts, yet only had to pay for one, winning the tickets to the other concerts including Aerosmith, Poison, Def Leppard and the Steve Miller Band.
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