Friday, January 13, 2012


Today I made Focaccia Bread. I started making bread last year when my Oma (German for Grandma) found a recipe in a magazine with kids holding up the finished loaves. It looked simple enough and she thought that if kids could do it, she couldn't the two of us. So I went over there one Saturday morning and we got busy. By the time we were done, more flour was surely on the two of us and on the floor than in the bread itself it seemed. Our hands and the counter top was sticky from the kneading and it took at least ten minutes to get ourselves clean. While the bread was in the oven, after washing up, we played solitare (I had to let her win a few times just like she always let me win when I was younger), and worked on her puzzle and then the oven timer went off. We rushed over to the oven with mits in hand and opened it up to find two perfectly golden brown loaves of bread. We took them out and couldn't wait to try them so we ripped off the end of one and put a little butter on it which melted in seconds. The two loaves didn't even last two days as it tasted so good. I still enjoy making bread with my Oma when we both have the time (and ingredients) and have tried various other recipes, but none which tasted as good as our first recipe of plain traditional bread. 
Like I said, today I made Focaccia Bread. It is a simple bread with different seasonings on the crust and cheese, onions and tomatoes sprinkled on top. Since I didn't find a recipe that I was too fond of, I had to mix different recipes together to get my desired result. It looks and smells delicious. If it wasn't for my Oma finding that one recipe in that magazine, I probably never would have tried to make bread (which my Opa's father did for a living, sadly never writing any of his recipes down). I plan to continue making bread, trying different recipes and experimenting on my own, all thanks to my Oma. Love you Oma!

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