Thursday, January 26, 2012

German Script

In one of my German classes this semester we are going to learn to read and write old German script. Our professor (my Opa's lodge brother) showed us a letter that was written in this script and you were lucky if you could identify one letter much less a word. Each individual letter of the script looks different than our 'now' script. Here is the alphabet in lower and upper case so you can see what I mean: 
The 'c' doesn't look anything like the now c but like a 'i' without the dot (otherwise known as title). One of the projects for this class is to find an old letter written in the script, preferably from our family as that would be more fun and interesting. Well, my Oma when she was in school had a little book that was considered her 'year book'. It is nothing like our year book in that there are no pictures or even the list of the children's names; however, all of her friends and teachers memorized a little poem or something to write in the book. I now have this book. Here are a few pages from the book:

My Oma, having grown up writing and reading this script still makes some of her letters the same, mainly the 'm' and 'n'. Hopefully by the end of the semester I will be able to read this and the rest of the book or poems from her school friends like I would a normal book, like you are reading this, without pauses to identify letters. 

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