Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Second Birthday!

People only have one birthday...well, that's the rule. But when there's a rule, there is always someone who it doesn't apply to. That person would be my Opa (grandpa). He has two birthdays. His real birthday is on April 17th. This was the day that he was born way back in 1927 (yeah, he's 86 years old and still rocking it). Today is his second birthday. Back in 1975 he had open heart surgery. The doctors gave him two years to live. It's been 38 years and he has outlived several of his doctors. 
My Opa is awesome. He gardens, he picks weeds, cuts the grass, still paints things around the house (and if you stand still, he'll paint you too), he goes on walks and goes swimming at the gym. 
This man has nine lives it seems. He's been shot in war, was a prisoner of war, and survived a firework factory fire...just to name a few.
So today I raise a glass to you Opa, Happy Birthday Opa and here's to many more!