Some people have asked me why? Why did I do the Polar Bear Plunge? Why did I do a half marathon last year? Why are you going to do a marathon this year? Why are you going to do the Dirty Girl Mud Race? Why are you going to do the Tough Mudder? My answer: to discover myself.
Without pushing myself to the limit, whether it be cold, distance or obstacles, how will I know, really know, what I am capable of. Before the half marathon last year with my mom, I thought it would be crazy to go 13.1 miles and that I would be crawling the last five miles home on my hands and knees, puffing out of breath. In reality, I was fine. A little tired (but who wouldn't be) but I was fine (and in less time than our goal!). We kept the same pace up and down the long and winding hills and after long we made it to the half way point. Not only was it fun accomplishing a half marathon, in which more people won't do than will, but I discovered that once I set my mind to it, I really can do anything.
This year I am psyched to discover myself in new ways and push my limit on what I can and can't do even further. As for now, it is time to hit the gym and do some training, as with all things, "The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment." (unknown)
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