2012 taught me that the mind is stronger than the body. This year:
I did the Polar Bear Plunge on Jan 1st with my mom
I celebrated my mom's and my birthday in the Caribbean on a cruise
I graduated from UW-Milwaukee with a major in Criminal Justice and minors in German and Psychology
Was accepted into UW-Milwaukee Grad School
I published a book
I did the Dirty Girls Mud Run with my mom on August 18th
I did the Tough Mudder with my mom on September 8th
I wrote my forth book that I am editing and will publish next year
and I completed my first semester of grad school with a 3.835 GPA.
2012 was a good year, I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for me!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
To Grandpa
Today my Grandpa would have been 79. I never met the man but I know he was great. I know this because he raised a great son, my dad. My Grandpa loved planes, trains, boats, tools, but most of all, his family. He had a model train set that my dad, sister and myself still set up every year around the Christmas tree in the living room, zig zagging all over the floor. Notes would be passed around on it while little trolls would take a ride. He loved planes so much that he was building one with my dad before he passed in 1981. The plane was never finished and was sold but we still have the propeller hanging in the shed at home. Grandpa loved boats and the warmth from the sun as they drove around on the lake. He loved tools and working with his hands, some of those tools I now have and use on my lathe, his other tools scattered about in the shed. But most of all he loved his family. He taught my dad how to be a great person and a great dad to us. Making us laugh and holding us when we cry. Cheering us on and picking us up when we fall down. My dad is a great person and a great dad and I have to thank my Grandpa for that. While I never met the man, I still love him and feel close to him. So today, I celebrate what would be the 79th birthday of a great man. Here's to you Grandpa! I love you.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Rebels with a Cause
Our forefathers were rebels. Way back then, when we were fighting for our independence from England (unheard of because while small, it was mighty) our forefathers wrote up the Constitution, while the war was still going on! It, along with other papers was a sort of screw you to England, especially to the king.
The Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. Because these men put their lives on the line, we are now free and have individual rights that was considered crazy to give people at that time. They are:
Amendment 1: Freedom of speech, press, religion, right to peacefully assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Amendment 2: Right to bear arms
Amendment 3: Protection of homeowners from quartering troops, except during war
Amendment 4: Protections against unreasonable search and seizure (police need a warrant to search, there are some limitations to this though)
Amendment 5: Rights of due process (protects people from the law), protection against double jeopardy (being tried more than once for the same crime after legitimate acquittal) and self-incrimination (you don't need to turn yourself in)
Amendment 6: Right to a speedy and public trial by jury of peers and rights of accused (which include to be confronted with witnesses against him/her and to have assistance of counsel ~ If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided at State expense)
Amendment 7: Right to trial by jury in civil cases
Amendment 8: Protection from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail (no more Iron Maidens except for the band)
Amendment 9: Protection of rights not specified in the Bill of Rights (meaning if they forgot something and it is your right as a human being, you get it)
Amendment 10: Powers of the State and people
Today I want you to go out and enjoy your freedoms as Americans, or at least think about other countries that don't have these freedoms that we take for granted each and everyday.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
That Moment
Yesterday I finished my first semester of grad school. I had one exam, two papers and a presentation all for two classes but overall it was a really good first semester. I stayed up late last night and slept in this morning until 9, it was wonderful.
Now I figure with all this extra time on my hands not having to do homework (more like having said homework out while playing computer games or watching TV) I figured I could start editing my novel that I finished in November. I opened the first draft when my computer started and there it sits. Staring at me. Looking me up and down thinking that I am a joke. It's almost worse than having that blank page in front of you, thoughts in your head but no idea how to transform them into pictures that the reader creates, the blinker intimidating you, saying that -you- can't do it. That you don't dare put words to the page, ink on the paper, to show how stupid you could actually be. That was nothing.
Since then I've forgotten about several of the points of the story. Some parts vanish like a dream after waking up. It has changed in my head how I preserve it. Now I have to go back and make those changes. The words that I hastily wrote down to reach that 50,000 word mark. Now it's time to see if I really have what it takes. To read my novel and go on it's journey into the deep words where I hope my flashlight battery won't die on me. It's time to edit...or take out the trash. :)
Now I figure with all this extra time on my hands not having to do homework (more like having said homework out while playing computer games or watching TV) I figured I could start editing my novel that I finished in November. I opened the first draft when my computer started and there it sits. Staring at me. Looking me up and down thinking that I am a joke. It's almost worse than having that blank page in front of you, thoughts in your head but no idea how to transform them into pictures that the reader creates, the blinker intimidating you, saying that -you- can't do it. That you don't dare put words to the page, ink on the paper, to show how stupid you could actually be. That was nothing.
Since then I've forgotten about several of the points of the story. Some parts vanish like a dream after waking up. It has changed in my head how I preserve it. Now I have to go back and make those changes. The words that I hastily wrote down to reach that 50,000 word mark. Now it's time to see if I really have what it takes. To read my novel and go on it's journey into the deep words where I hope my flashlight battery won't die on me. It's time to edit...or take out the trash. :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Let's Celebrate!!!
Today, back in 1933, was a grand day...that's right, today is repeal day. Today is the day that the 21st Amendment was ratified, killing off the 18th Amendment. For those of you that are still not exactly sure what I'm talking about, here's a short history:
The 18th Amendment, which was taken into effect on January 17, 1920 basically said no more drinking. It was the dark ages. The prohibition of alcohol. Well, 13 years and some odd months later, they got their senses back in them and decided to repeal this Amendment and start drinking again. It took nearly a year (from February to December) to ratify the 21st Amendment yet the 18th Amendment took less than a month. The 18th Amendment is to date the only Amendment that was repealed!
Newspapers went nuts.
People all over America raised their glasses and toasted anything and everything.
So today I wish you a happy celebration. I raise my glass to you and say Cheers!
The 18th Amendment, which was taken into effect on January 17, 1920 basically said no more drinking. It was the dark ages. The prohibition of alcohol. Well, 13 years and some odd months later, they got their senses back in them and decided to repeal this Amendment and start drinking again. It took nearly a year (from February to December) to ratify the 21st Amendment yet the 18th Amendment took less than a month. The 18th Amendment is to date the only Amendment that was repealed!
Newspapers went nuts.
People all over America raised their glasses and toasted anything and everything.
So today I wish you a happy celebration. I raise my glass to you and say Cheers!
21st amendment,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Odd Feeling
The last two days I've had an odd feeling. The feeling like I should be doing something, but I'm not. That's not a good feeling, especially when you add in school, homework and work. I'm already missing writing. I love to write. I can't wait until my classes are over (in ten days for this semester) before I get to edit my novel (either titled Ice Cream Man or You Scream, We All Scream). I love to write. I will always write.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Welcome back old friend
Welcome back NaNoWriMo. This month will be full of crazies walking around asking random people to give them a name for a character, a plot twist, a place, an idea. I am one of those crazies. Luckily, I'm off to a good start. Already hit 1,868 words today (daily word goal is 1,667) and I'm feeling good.
This morning before my sister, Christina, went off to work, she asked me to read the first sentence to her. I did better than that. I read the first few paragraphs. And she was scared. Let me give you a small taste:
This morning before my sister, Christina, went off to work, she asked me to read the first sentence to her. I did better than that. I read the first few paragraphs. And she was scared. Let me give you a small taste:
“Come on Else, it’s your
turn!” Paris yelled out. “Ohhh, you’re going to get it! You’re going to get it!
Your mouse is going to get trapped!”
“Quiet Paris,” George said, “She might not role a three, plus
the trap isn’t even set up yet.”
“So, it’s still fun teasing her!” Paris said. “You take
all the fun out of things Geor-Ge.”
“No he doesn’t,” Else chimed in. “He’s sweet,” she said
looking over to him in his dirty Superman shirt.
“Ohhh,” Courtney said, sitting up as she was lying in the
tree house looking up through the holes in the roof at the fresh green leaves,
“Else and George sitting in a tree,” Paris joined in, “K I S S I N G, first
comes love,” James, who was lying next to Courtney joined the teasing, “Then
comes marriage,” Abbey, Jacob and Sam finally joined in with the rest, “Then
comes the baby in the baby carriage. Suckin’ his thumb, wettin’ his pants,
doin’ the naked baby dance. That’s not all, that’s not all…” Spottie, George’s
dog which all of the kids loved was barking along while running around below.
“Wait a sec guys,” Courtney said, as the rest were
trailing off with the very familiar teasing song. “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Paris asked annoyingly as she was having fun
making fun of Else and George.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Holy Shit
I have one of these days every year, for the past four years a least, where I suddenly actually realize that I am beginning to write my novel tomorrow. Holy shit.
I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to write about and am aiming for high word count goals this first week, except, that might be a little harder this year. A week from today, Wednesday, I have an exam. No big deal except we don't really know what kind of exam it is going to be, so we have to study everything and anticipate anything. That being said, I'm meeting up with two people on Monday to study. I also have kick boxing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This Friday I was planning on hanging out with a friend and Saturday I work and can only do so much while there, at least I work with awesome people most shifts. Sunday is a Packer game so there goes a good 3 or 4 hours of non writing. Plus I'm a crazy college girl and actually believe in sleeping and eating. I think my goal of getting over the needed word count goal for this first week is very slim, but I'll try my hardest, as I try to do in all aspects of life.
If you or someone you knows wishes to contribute to a great imaginative cause, you can do so here: http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=216976
I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to write about and am aiming for high word count goals this first week, except, that might be a little harder this year. A week from today, Wednesday, I have an exam. No big deal except we don't really know what kind of exam it is going to be, so we have to study everything and anticipate anything. That being said, I'm meeting up with two people on Monday to study. I also have kick boxing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This Friday I was planning on hanging out with a friend and Saturday I work and can only do so much while there, at least I work with awesome people most shifts. Sunday is a Packer game so there goes a good 3 or 4 hours of non writing. Plus I'm a crazy college girl and actually believe in sleeping and eating. I think my goal of getting over the needed word count goal for this first week is very slim, but I'll try my hardest, as I try to do in all aspects of life.
If you or someone you knows wishes to contribute to a great imaginative cause, you can do so here: http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=216976
Saturday, October 20, 2012
11 Days and Some Odd Hours
11 days is all that separates me, and thousands (maybe even millions) of others from going crazy. That's right, I'm talking about NaNoWriMo again (http://nanowrimo.org). I remember last year I was so prepared. I had a good outline with my ideas written down, I had characters pictured in my mind I was ready. This year I have an outline, but nothing after chapter 5 and I have a few characters, but only one is crystal clear (you know which one David :) ).
Even though I don't feel as prepared as I did last year, I feel more excited. I can't wait to see where my characters take me after the 5th chapter. What they do, how they will act, who they will run into, how they will treat each other...I can't wait. I'm going to go along for the ride. At that point, I kinda feel like God. Not saying that I am God or anything, but after creating your characters, you watch them grow and change and all you have to do is pray that your fingers can type fast enough so you don't miss anything. Once they get going, it's full steam ahead and there's no stopping. I love to write. I have found my calling...at least one of them.
Even though I don't feel as prepared as I did last year, I feel more excited. I can't wait to see where my characters take me after the 5th chapter. What they do, how they will act, who they will run into, how they will treat each other...I can't wait. I'm going to go along for the ride. At that point, I kinda feel like God. Not saying that I am God or anything, but after creating your characters, you watch them grow and change and all you have to do is pray that your fingers can type fast enough so you don't miss anything. Once they get going, it's full steam ahead and there's no stopping. I love to write. I have found my calling...at least one of them.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Is the Earth really round?
Today is International Skeptics Day. Or is it? At least one website claims this, but it could just be some 13 year old kid trying to pull a fast one on us. A skeptic is a person who questions or doubts facts or theories, or is it really a giraffe that can't lick it's ear? A skeptic doesn't accept the 'given' ~ like gravity. I don't know if that is real. If so, how could planes, birds, and teradactyls fly? Maybe they are aliens that are messing with our heads. If there is a big man in the sky (God) maybe one of his children up there got board and is having fun playing 'earth.'
You should go out today and question lots. Without questions we wouldn't bother to figure stuff out. Questions are what it's all about...or is it?
You should go out today and question lots. Without questions we wouldn't bother to figure stuff out. Questions are what it's all about...or is it?
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
30 Days
30 days. 30 days left until November. 30 days left to get ahead on school work. 30 days left to do those big projects due in November and early December. 30 days. 30 days left until National Novel Writing Month. 30 days until all hell breaks loose and once again the participants go crazy. That's not long.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Wet and Miserable
Friday the 21st of September is when this week got wet. Literally. I ate lunch and was doing some homework when the landlord sent 'his guy' over to turn on the heat/make sure it works. This was around 3.20ish (I remember because it was after my apple time which is at 3). I heard him up in the attic doing something then came in here (we are on the second floor, no one is in the attic) and turns out he needed batteries so he asked if we could wait until Monday and I said no problem.
I was doing something in the kitchen when I hear this noise in the attic but I was pretty sure Ryan ('his guy') left already. I put on some flats and went up to check. Turned out that water was water fountaining out of an air valve or something like that in the ceiling. I quickly called the landlord to see if Ryan could come back but no answer. Oh crap I think. I call dad (my superhero) and thankfully he answered while I was seeing if one of the guys below us could help (no one home. I was home alone, that sucked). Dad had me run down to the basement to instruct me how to turn off the water so no more water could come. I ran back up the stairs to the attic and it was still water fountaining up. I ran back to our apartment and realize that my computer was in the living room, right below the water fountain in the attic as water was already coming down from the ceiling. I unplug it and bring it to Christina's room praying that it would be ok. I go to my room and put on rain boots, it was 'raining' that much and pick up the phone again with dad still on the line and he tells me to go back down stairs. After 7 or 8 pictures sent to him later, I manage to turn our (upstairs) water off. I run back upstairs to see if the water fountaining stopped and it didn't. Back down to the basement I ran and went to the guys' water. After 7 or 8 more pictures sent to him (thankfully we both got smart phone a month or so ago), dad manages to tell me how to turn off their water and I run back up stairs after a quick stop in the apartment to move Kirby (roommate Amanda's guinea pig that was getting scared in his cage, so I grab him and put him in his carrying cage and put him in my room so he'd stay dry).
The water finally stopped.
I hang up with dad and call Christina as it was after 4 which is when she works until. She 'claims' that she had to work late and didn't believe how much water actually came down and that it was kind of an emergency. Turns out that she went drinking and eating and dancing on a date. If I was out with Mason or Amanda was out with her boyfriend and your roommate, let alone sister, called telling you this, I'm sure the guy would understand and take you home and maybe even help. I called Amanda who actually was at work and explained the situation. Christina called Mason and he came over to help (thankfully) towel up the water (we don't have a mop) and then -finally- the landlord comes and as soon as he walked in the door, all he could say was 'oh fuck.'
I threw a towel of the TV to help it from getting any more wet and the rest of the night, needless to say, I was not that happy. Landlord brought over cleaning people and they helped mop up everything. He brought an industrial size fan and was trying to dry everything and we were just praying that my computer (which I shut down to dry off) and the TV were all ok as the other stuff in the living and dining room weren't electronic. After Amanda came home and cleaning people left, we made dinner and had a 'date' actually getting to know each other instead of the 'how was your day' type of thing. We played with Kirby then went to bed at 11 or so with the living room stuff shoved in the dining room and fans blowing everything dry.
Saturday was better. The living room stuff was in the dinning room and everything in those two rooms were still drying. I made oatmeal in the morning and was scarred to turn on my computer in fear of it frying. Mom and dad came over in the afternoon and looked around. I finally turned on my computer and it works (YAY!) and Ryan and landlord were here looking at what was wrong and fixing it so it won't (hopefully, knock on wood) happen again. Parents left, Christina went to get her hair cut, Amanda went to work and I was reading a book for school (although i couldn't do the assigned reading yet because that book was still drying from the water because it was sitting on the coffee table in the living room when the water came).
Somewhere in here after Ryan and the landlord left, the front door knob went missing (both the inside and outside and the door was open which really confused me. I texted the landlord about that and that the water was sputtering. He came and was just as confused about the door knob (luckily there was still a lock and we have a back door) and played with the water getting it to run again, yet not full strength in the kitchen.
That was my wet and miserable weekend which I would have much rather read and done homework for class instead of 'playing' with water.
Hope everyone else's weekend was better!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Always Remember
It was a normal day 11 years ago today. I got up, ate breakfast and went on the bus to my grade school. I was in the 6th grade. I talked with my friends Laura and Ashley before class and then the school bell rang and we headed in to our seats. I was in English class with Mrs. Wagner. She was a short women with violently curly hair that was salt and peppered over with age but was as spunky as ever. She helped make learning fun. She was teaching us some grammar and we were all practicing on our worksheets. Then we heard the news. Mrs. Wagner, a calm, helping person, freaked out. Her daughter was an flight attendant on American Airlines. As she, Mrs. Wagner's daughter flew a lot, Mrs. Wagner never kept track of what flights she was on. Two of the planes that were high jacked were American Airline planes. Quickly after the first tower, the North Tower, was struck, a TV was rolled into my class room. We all gathered round the TV and watched as smoke was billowing from the tower. Shortly after we watched in horror as another plane came into picture and struck the South Tower. Fire and smoke came out as lives were instantly lost. At this time Mrs. Wagner was at her desk frantically dialing her daughter's number. The line continued to ring. She called her son-in-law and he told her what flight she was on. Her flight wasn't one that hit the World Trade Centers, but there were two more flights that would soon be involved. As we were watching around the TV, the other 6th grade classes came into the room, sitting on desks and the floor, anywhere they could fit. We watched awestruck as people on the upper levels waved frantically for help out their windows, trying to get a breath of fresh air. We watched as people jumped out the window to their death. We watched as firefighters tried their best with the worst situation they've probably seen. We watched as horns and people were going crazy in the streets. We watched as the South Tower collapsed and people were screaming. The room was silent as we watched. We watched as more smoke and ashes came billowing up. We watched as the North Tower collapsed. We watched as by standers on the ground yelled and ran away, covering their mouths as not to breath in the soot. We watched. We witnessed. We watched Mrs. Wagner sigh in relief that her daughter was not on any of the flights high jacked. I will always remember this horrific event. I will always remember where I was. I will always remember Mrs. Wagner shed a silent tear as her daughter was safe, and another for all the lives that were lost. I will always remember.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Dirty Girls (pictures!)
Last year in December I challenged my mom. I challenged her to do Tough Mudder (http://toughmudder.com/), a 10 to 12 mile challenge course with over 20 obstacles. To get ready for Tough Mudder, which helps to Wounded Warrior Project (http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/), we decided to do the Dirty Girl Mud Run (http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/), a 3 mile challenge course with 11 obstacles which is only for women and helps the National Breast Cancer Foundation (http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/).
We arrived and were all clean and ready for the fun to begin. |
We first had to climb over several stacks of hay called the Barn Burner which was a piece of cake, then up and over this bouncy castle type of thing. |
And the laughter then began. |
Into the Utopian Tubes we went and then for a little walk to our next obstacle with a cool water break on the way. |
Over the triangles that got progressively bigger after the 20+ foot Cargo Net that we had to climb up and over (so proud of my mommy!) |
Into one of the several mud pits called PMS or Pretty Muddy Stuff. |
And then the Jail Break, which we had to go over... |
...then under. |
After some more triangles... |
...then the Hangover, hanging tires with tires below. |
We gave each other mud baths...good for the skin :) |
and then got in some more mud. |
Through the Spider's Web |
and over the wall |
Some suspicious looking hand prints. |
and ended it all with another mud bath. |
Then the boys had way too much fun spraying us off at home...next time we are showering there. |
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The smile on my face could not get bigger right now! Let me explain.
Each year for the past three years I take part in what is called National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. NaNoWriMo is a competition, as much with others as it is with yourself as participants are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1st and the 30th. That's roughly 1,667 words a day. For the past three years, I took part in NaNoWriMo. The first year I barely finished, staying up late on the 30th and finished just short of midnight ~ the cut off. I didn't really like my story and haven't looked back at it since. The second year I finished during the day of the 30th but didn't really like my story again.
The third year I was determined. I finished the 50,000 words on the 29th but still had to finish the story. With exams around the corner, I decided to do some editing during winter break. I gave it a look over and it wasn't half bad, actually, it was pretty good if I may say so. I tried to get my sister to help me edit but that didn't work. With the spring semester starting it was buried under books and homework. Summer came and the books went away, which is when I started to edit again. I knew it would be better to have someone else look over it to make sure my message was being conveyed and not that I just understood what I wrote several months before. That is when I enlisted Mason, my boyfriend, to help. He read it over giving notes and suggestions where he saw fit. I read them over and made changes and he read it again, catching things neither of us caught before. It was good. It was better than good. It was ready. I went to CreateSpace, a free self-publishing website, set up an account and published my book. That was a few days ago. On the 11th my book was on Kindle through Amazon. Today I just checked and my book is on Amazon. I'm on Amazon! (http://www.amazon.com/Keys-Sonja-Bauer/dp/1478367466/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1344967175&sr=8-2&keywords=keys+sonja+bauer if interested). How crazy is this? I am on amazon!?! I couldn't be happier right now!
Each year for the past three years I take part in what is called National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. NaNoWriMo is a competition, as much with others as it is with yourself as participants are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1st and the 30th. That's roughly 1,667 words a day. For the past three years, I took part in NaNoWriMo. The first year I barely finished, staying up late on the 30th and finished just short of midnight ~ the cut off. I didn't really like my story and haven't looked back at it since. The second year I finished during the day of the 30th but didn't really like my story again.
The third year I was determined. I finished the 50,000 words on the 29th but still had to finish the story. With exams around the corner, I decided to do some editing during winter break. I gave it a look over and it wasn't half bad, actually, it was pretty good if I may say so. I tried to get my sister to help me edit but that didn't work. With the spring semester starting it was buried under books and homework. Summer came and the books went away, which is when I started to edit again. I knew it would be better to have someone else look over it to make sure my message was being conveyed and not that I just understood what I wrote several months before. That is when I enlisted Mason, my boyfriend, to help. He read it over giving notes and suggestions where he saw fit. I read them over and made changes and he read it again, catching things neither of us caught before. It was good. It was better than good. It was ready. I went to CreateSpace, a free self-publishing website, set up an account and published my book. That was a few days ago. On the 11th my book was on Kindle through Amazon. Today I just checked and my book is on Amazon. I'm on Amazon! (http://www.amazon.com/Keys-Sonja-Bauer/dp/1478367466/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1344967175&sr=8-2&keywords=keys+sonja+bauer if interested). How crazy is this? I am on amazon!?! I couldn't be happier right now!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
On Thursday morning dad opened the garage door as we keep Dammit (our new kitten) still in there for the night and when we go away for a while so she/he is protected. Dammit was just as energetic as ever. When it was time for us to leave for several hours, we were calling her name (it is fun to go around the yard yelling DAMMIT!), she didn't return. Typical for the day time so we put some extra water out, closed the garage door and were off. When we came home later that day, we went around calling for her again and much to our dismay, she didn't turn up. Friday we didn't see her either so we are pretty sure one of two things happened. One, a hawk got her (living in the country and her still being small that could happen) or two, a car on the road saw a kitten without a collar (we never put collars on our cats), opened the door and she climbed in, having the people think that they were rescuing the poor little animal.
I'm hoping someone thought they were doing good and 'rescued' her (even though she didn't need rescuing), but either way, you will be missed.
I'm hoping someone thought they were doing good and 'rescued' her (even though she didn't need rescuing), but either way, you will be missed.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Bored 'Hobbies'
Everyone has there little things that they do when they are bored while doing something else or trying to procrastinate while trying to look busy. Some like to play solitare, others read the news online. A common bored hobby, if you will is facebook, and commenting on people's statuses that they know but don't really care about and only stay 'friends' on facebook so they can rub in each other's faces of what they have and others don't (example is boy/girlfriends, losing weight, new family members (through marriage or kids), etc.)
My bored hobby is Minesweeper and Paint. For those that don't know, Minesweeper is a game where you have a field and there are a certain number of mines in the field. One then has to identify where the mines are and not blow up in the process while clearing the rest of the field. There are three levels, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. I have gotten fairly good at Minesweeper. I am on advanced and still win fairly often, which I don't exactly know if it's a good thing, because it shows how bored I am at times.
My other bored hobby is Paint. Sometimes I do simple things:
My bored hobby is Minesweeper and Paint. For those that don't know, Minesweeper is a game where you have a field and there are a certain number of mines in the field. One then has to identify where the mines are and not blow up in the process while clearing the rest of the field. There are three levels, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. I have gotten fairly good at Minesweeper. I am on advanced and still win fairly often, which I don't exactly know if it's a good thing, because it shows how bored I am at times.
My other bored hobby is Paint. Sometimes I do simple things:
Sometimes I do pretty things:
Sometimes I like to try complex things:
No matter what your bored 'hobby' is, I hope you have as much fun and are as good at it as I am!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Ever since the seventh grade, where I turned my first piece, a tooth pick holder, on a wooden lathe, I was hooked. In high school I took a woods class each year, making various things like cabinets, a chest and signs using a dremel tool. Every year in high school I would ask my teacher, Mr. J. if I could use one of the lathes to turn stuff which was always buried behind projects and tools, so he always said no. Grandpa used to have a lathe so one day dad brought it home and it was small and not very safe so dad wouldn't let me make stuff with it. We've always had a metal lathe, but it's not good to use a metal lathe for wood or a wooden lathe for metal, so that was also a no.
I had dad help me cut it off after sanding it on the lathe and got this
After a coat of clear sealer and then a coat of varnish, this is the finished project after 2 days.
Now I'm asking all of my friends if they have any wood...en logs so I can turn more stuff.
This last birthday, my parents bought me a lathe, ironically, it was one from my old woods teacher, Mr. J. During the rest of the school year I was looking up projects that I wanted to make on it in the summer, the first of which was a wooden mug, so that is what I made. The wood started out roughly 18"x8" and dad helped me cut it and glue it. I put in on the lathe and began turning it and having a blast.
Soon the mug was done...but it needed a handle to grip it better
After a few coats of mineral oil and butcher block conditioner, and 4 days of curing, I got the finished project after 7 days: (same mug from different angles)
I am proud to say that I drank some water from it this morning and it didn't leak!
Then dad wanted have the part where the motor is connected fixed a little so it would run truer, that meant a few days of no lathe, which was sad. I got the part back and we connected it and I had the need to turn something again, except I didn't have any wood, which is a problem. Dad and I up and down our road, where a bunch of trees were cut this spring, in hopes that we would find a piece that was left behind, and indeed we did. He chopped it up with the chain saw, I put it on and was soon covered in dust.
Soon I got the rough shape I wanted from it...then drilled out the center and began working on it (first time drilling out the center and it went a lot easier)

I had dad help me cut it off after sanding it on the lathe and got this
After a coat of clear sealer and then a coat of varnish, this is the finished project after 2 days.
Now I'm asking all of my friends if they have any wood...en logs so I can turn more stuff.
Friday, June 8, 2012
New Kitten
Last week mom came home from work and said a co-worker's cats had kittens and was wondering if we wanted one. Of course we did! Who doesn't want a little energetic ball of fur with it's tail sticking up?! So Monday came and we waited for our mom to call us to let us know that the kitten had arrived. We got the call from mom that the kitten was in her office and she had to entertain it for a while. 30 minutes later we got to her office and saw the cute kitten in the carrying cage, ready to be brought to it's new home.
At home, I brought the cage with kitten inside to the back yard, sat down and opened the door for him/her to crawl out (we still aren't sure if it is a male or female kitten). It was the kitten's first experience with grass, and it was hysterical! With every step it took, it lifted it's paws up really high to avoid the grass. Soon it was frolicking about and playing with a stick and leaves on the end.
Now the only problem was coming up with a name. As you can see, it's an all black cat. And being the nerds that we are, we thought Darth Vader would be adorable. Sadly when mom came home she said no. Right away the cat went to her feet as she sat down and wanted to play. That is when she came up with it's name. 'Dammit'.
Now Dammit is crawling around and investigating things like crazy. Dammit likes to crawl up trees and pant legs. Will purr very loudly, and if placed on someone's shoulder while walking around, will stay there peacefully. You can't get much cuter than that!
After shopping today we took Dammit out again and decided to rename him/her to Little Bear. (Hopefully that is the last name change)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
To most Americans, Memorial Day is a three day weekend spent with family and friends, but most of us forget why there is a three day weekend and even fewer forget to actually give thanks, and I'm not just talking about on Facebook or Twitter. Memorial Day is dedicated to the men and women who served the United States and paid the ultimate sacrifice, their lives for our freedoms. Memorial Day, always on the last Monday of May goes back to the end of the Civil War in 1865. Traditionally it was held on the 30th of May, but in 1971 Congress changed it to the last Monday in order to afford a three day holiday weekend.

Some people attend a parade where veterans from wars past walk holding the flag up high, others go camping with family and friends in their own tradition, some might grill food and have a party in their yard, while my family typically goes boating.
Whatever you do today, if it is one of the things listed above or if you celebrate in a different fashion, please make sure you thank current servicemen and women and veterans and take time to remember the servicemen that couldn't be here today that have ensured your freedoms with their deaths.

Some people attend a parade where veterans from wars past walk holding the flag up high, others go camping with family and friends in their own tradition, some might grill food and have a party in their yard, while my family typically goes boating.

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