Monday, December 17, 2012

To Grandpa

Today my Grandpa would have been 79. I never met the man but I know he was great. I know this because he raised a great son, my dad. My Grandpa loved planes, trains, boats, tools, but most of all, his family. He had a model train set that my dad, sister and myself still set up every year around the Christmas tree in the living room, zig zagging all over the floor. Notes would be passed around on it while little trolls would take a ride. He loved planes so much that he was building one with my dad before he passed in 1981. The plane was never finished and was sold but we still have the propeller hanging in the shed at home. Grandpa loved boats and the warmth from the sun as they drove around on the lake. He loved tools and working with his hands, some of those tools I now have and use on my lathe, his other tools scattered about in the shed. But most of all he loved his family. He taught my dad how to be a great person and a great dad to us. Making us laugh and holding us when we cry. Cheering us on and picking us up when we fall down. My dad is a great person and a great dad and I have to thank my Grandpa for that. While I never met the man, I still love him and feel close to him. So today, I celebrate what would be the 79th birthday of a great man. Here's to you Grandpa! I love you. 

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