Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Playing with the Pack

So I was working out at the gym in the morning like usual and after an hour work out (which felt amazing) I see in the big open area, where people are usually playing basketball, bouncy castle things being set up. So me being a curious Sonja goes in to check it out. I ask some dude with a clip board (because dudes with clip boards usually know what's going on) what it was all about. He told me that it was the Military Experience for the week long Veteran's Day celebration and was starting at 12 people could play in the bouncy castles, try on actual military gear and do a pull up challenge. Just as I was about to leave (because it wasn't 12 yet) he tells me "And then a couple of Packers are going to be here from 1-4 playing in them and meeting people and taking pictures if people want." 

I go home to eat something, cause I worked out pretty hard and was hungry and then head back to the gym around 2. A friend and I did a bouncy castle obstacle that was timed to see which team was the fastest (we weren't even close, but it was still fun). Then we got to go in the ball wrecker bouncy castle and swing a big ball around trying to knock each other off of podiums and finally there was a knock out bouncy castle. 

So I got to play with Ryan Taylor (left) and Marshall Newhouse (right) of the Green Bay Packers and got my picture taken with them.