Thursday, February 14, 2013

Something to Consider

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! But did you know that today, which is fitting, is also National Organ Donor Day. Yes, it is uncomfortable to think of your own death, especially if you haven't really lived yet, but it will come to all of us one day. 

I know that when I die, if I have the opportunity to save another life, would love that chance and have already signed my driver's license. So take a moment today before going out with the one you love to seriously consider signing up to donate your organs and tissues. After all, the life you save, may just be the love of your life. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hello, My Name Is...

Have you ever wanted to change your name up for a day? See what it would be like to go by something completely different?
Well today is your day. Today is National Get a Different Name Day. At birth, we are given a name and we go through life with that same name (well most of us do). It wasn't our choice to be called Sonja or Charles or  John or Christina, we were given that name, no questions asked. If you like your name, then that's awesome, but if you don't, today is the day to change it and see how the world looks through another's name. Be adventurous! You might just come to have a new appreciation of you name or realize that it really isn't for you.