Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012 in Review

2012 taught me that the mind is stronger than the body. This year:

I did the Polar Bear Plunge on Jan 1st with my mom

I celebrated my mom's and my birthday in the Caribbean on a cruise

I graduated from UW-Milwaukee with a major in Criminal Justice and minors in German and Psychology

Was accepted into UW-Milwaukee Grad School 

I published a book

I did the Dirty Girls Mud Run with my mom on August 18th

I did the Tough Mudder with my mom on September 8th

I wrote my forth book that I am editing and will publish next year

and I completed my first semester of grad school with a 3.835 GPA.

2012 was a good year, I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for me!

Monday, December 17, 2012

To Grandpa

Today my Grandpa would have been 79. I never met the man but I know he was great. I know this because he raised a great son, my dad. My Grandpa loved planes, trains, boats, tools, but most of all, his family. He had a model train set that my dad, sister and myself still set up every year around the Christmas tree in the living room, zig zagging all over the floor. Notes would be passed around on it while little trolls would take a ride. He loved planes so much that he was building one with my dad before he passed in 1981. The plane was never finished and was sold but we still have the propeller hanging in the shed at home. Grandpa loved boats and the warmth from the sun as they drove around on the lake. He loved tools and working with his hands, some of those tools I now have and use on my lathe, his other tools scattered about in the shed. But most of all he loved his family. He taught my dad how to be a great person and a great dad to us. Making us laugh and holding us when we cry. Cheering us on and picking us up when we fall down. My dad is a great person and a great dad and I have to thank my Grandpa for that. While I never met the man, I still love him and feel close to him. So today, I celebrate what would be the 79th birthday of a great man. Here's to you Grandpa! I love you. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Rebels with a Cause

Our forefathers were rebels. Way back then, when we were fighting for our independence from England (unheard of because while small, it was mighty) our forefathers wrote up the Constitution, while the war was still going on! It, along with other papers was a sort of screw you to England, especially to the king. 

The Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. Because these men put their lives on the line, we are now free and have individual rights that was considered crazy to give people at that time. They are:

Amendment 1: Freedom of speech, press, religion, right to peacefully assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Amendment 2: Right to bear arms
Amendment 3: Protection of homeowners from quartering troops, except during war 
Amendment 4: Protections against unreasonable search and seizure (police need a warrant to search, there are some limitations to this though)
Amendment 5: Rights of due process (protects people from the law), protection against double jeopardy (being tried more than once for the same crime after legitimate acquittal) and self-incrimination (you don't need to turn yourself in)
Amendment 6: Right to a speedy and public trial by jury of peers and rights of accused (which include to be confronted with witnesses against him/her and to have assistance of counsel ~ If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided at State expense)
Amendment 7: Right to trial by jury in civil cases
Amendment 8: Protection from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail (no more Iron Maidens except for the band)
Amendment 9: Protection of rights not specified in the Bill of Rights (meaning if they forgot something and it is your right as a human being, you get it)
Amendment 10: Powers of the State and people

Today I want you to go out and enjoy your freedoms as Americans, or at least think about other countries that don't have these freedoms that we take for granted each and everyday. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

That Moment

Yesterday I finished my first semester of grad school. I had one exam, two papers and a presentation all for two classes but overall it was a really good first semester. I stayed up late last night and slept in this morning until 9, it was wonderful. 

Now I figure with all this extra time on my hands not having to do homework (more like having said homework out while playing computer games or watching TV) I figured I could start editing my novel that I finished in November. I opened the first draft when my computer started and there it sits. Staring at me. Looking me up and down thinking that I am a joke. It's almost worse than having that blank page in front of you, thoughts in your head but no idea how to transform them into pictures that the reader creates, the blinker intimidating you, saying that -you- can't do it. That you don't dare put words to the page, ink on the paper, to show how stupid you could actually be. That was nothing. 

Since then I've forgotten about several of the points of the story. Some parts vanish like a dream after waking up. It has changed in my head how I preserve it. Now I have to go back and make those changes. The words that I hastily wrote down to reach that 50,000 word mark. Now it's time to see if I really have what it takes. To read my novel and go on it's journey into the deep words where I hope my flashlight battery won't die on me. It's time to edit...or take out the trash. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's Celebrate!!!

Today, back in 1933, was a grand day...that's right, today is repeal day. Today is the day that the 21st Amendment was ratified, killing off the 18th Amendment. For those of you that are still not exactly sure what I'm talking about, here's a short history:
The 18th Amendment, which was taken into effect on January 17, 1920 basically said no more drinking. It was the dark ages. The prohibition of alcohol. Well, 13 years and some odd months later, they got their senses back in them and decided to repeal this Amendment and start drinking again. It took nearly a year (from February to December) to ratify the 21st Amendment yet the 18th Amendment took less than a month. The 18th Amendment is to date the only Amendment that was repealed! 
Newspapers went nuts.

People all over America raised their glasses and toasted anything and everything.

So today I wish you a happy celebration. I raise my glass to you and say Cheers!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Odd Feeling

The last two days I've had an odd feeling. The feeling like I should be doing something, but I'm not. That's not a good feeling, especially when you add in school, homework and work. I'm already missing writing. I love to write. I can't wait until my classes are over (in ten days for this semester) before I get to edit my novel (either titled Ice Cream Man or You Scream, We All Scream). I love to write. I will always write.