It is probably no surprise to any of you (especially when you notice the background I have picked out) that I like books. Actually, that's a lie. I LOVE books. It wasn't always this way though. When I was in elementary school and even middle school I hated to read. I had a speech problem and reading in class was a pain. In high school one of our assignments was a book report on any book in the library. I like horror and mystery so I thought I'd give Stephen King a try as I heard he wrote some dark stuff. The book was The Eyes of the Dragon.

It was brilliant. I couldn't put it down. It was the first book that I actually enjoyed reading. I started reading other works by him, such as Cell, Christine, Under the Dome and (my personal favorite so far) IT. While I love how he develops his characters and their interactions between them and throws them into the action then explains it, I knew that he will only write a limited number of books. So last year I started branching out. I've read The Woman in Black by Susan Hill, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson and some various short stories by the one and only H.P. Lovecraft. I now have over 70 books (still need to read quite a few actually) but I can't wait to get to them all. To step inside the world. To meet the characters, some of which will become my friends and a little piece of me.
With all of these books on my shelf waiting to be read, you would think that I would not go out to buy more books. Well that is where you are wrong. Yesterday I went to a store called Half Price Books where you can buy a book for roughly half of what it would be new. I told my boyfriend (Mason) that I was going and that I was going to limit myself to 6 books (I tend to get carried away at times ~ I'm the one typically sitting on the floor in the middle of an isle with a stack of books by my side as I forgot to get a basket reading random pages from the book currently in my hand). Well 6 books was too many for him so he made me a deal. If I only bought 4 books, then next time we were together he would buy me one.
At the store, I instantly went to the horror section and found Stephen King's On Writing which I grabbed off the shelf as I was looking for that one for a while. Then I found his Danse Macabre. I read the back cover and it sounded like a good gross-out book. That made two so far. Now going back to the above, I am trying to branch out on who I read, so I found Glen Duncan's Death of an Ordinary Man (the author of I, Lucifer which I am currently reading and is hilarious) and Pete Hamill's Forever.

So I stuck to my promise and only bought those 4 books (for $20 ~ AWESOME!) then made plans to go over to Mason's house last night where I met his parents and sister. After slight awkward hellos, and nice to meet yous, we escaped and took a walk to a Half Price Books about 2 miles from his house (that would be very dangerous for me because I would visit weekly). We made our way to the horror section and was looking at books when one called to me, The Incredible Shrinking Man by Richard Matheson which is now all mine (Thanks Mason!).
Long story short, I love books and love this new deal.