Stress, defined by, is the physical pressure, pull or other force exerted on one thing by another; strain. I am definitely stressing right now. Let me explain.
I have several countdowns on my computer so I know how many days are left until a particular event. One of these countdowns is to Graduation as I graduate from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 37 days on May 20th so a little over a month. Seems like a lot of time, but now when you have so much going on. First of all, there is no break in homework. Readings for classes are getting longer, having to watch movies in order to respond to them in German seem to never end and the homework in general is piling up. Second is finals. I have one 'traditional' final this year for one of my criminal justice classes. By that I mean, go to class after studying, sit down, and take the final in class and then forget about it until grades are posted. In my other classes, I have one exam on the 24th of April which I can't really study for as it is just transliterating the text that he will give us in class. For that class I also have a presentation that I need to work on and a paper which together is 50% of the grade and is considered the final. For my online German class I have another presentation and a final paper (all in German) that together consists of 30% of my grade (which I'm not doing too hot in that class at the moment). My other criminal justice class I am actually looking forward to the final (how weird does that sound?). That final is basically a 20 page paper on 5 of the countries we studied talking about their criminal justice systems and how they differ from US's system and what I like about them. I might actually have more than 20 pages for that. Third thing that is getting at me is work. I don't have to prepare for work or anything like that, it is just that work hours always pick up at the end of the semester and the amount of homework one can complete during work is very little. To top it all off, I still need to finish applying for Grad School for Fall. Basically meaning that I need to remind the people that are writing my references to do so and take this MAT test which is an hour long test on next Wednesday (which I probably should study for).
Then there are the few things in this next month that will make my stress decrease. One is kick boxing. It is 3 hours a week where I concentrate on nothing else but punching and kicking the pads and not worrying about anything else. Then there is family and friends. Whether it is calling someone up on the phone, to playing Gears or watching a movie, it all helps relax me (only if I finished stuff due in the near future).
With all that being said, I should probably go do some more homework and hopefully not go crazy.
37 days and counting down!
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